Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nuclear Regulatory Commission tells public Palisades nuclear power plant is safe

SOUTH HAVEN — Living between two nuclear power plants, Bette Pierman has some concerns about Palisades nuclear power plant.

"I guess I'm looking for reassurances that they (the Nuclear Regulatory Commission) are holding this company accountable," the Benton Harbor woman said Wednesday.

The NRC held a public meeting Wednesday to discuss recent events at Palisades, operated by Entergy Energy and located in Covert, south of South Haven.

Problems at the plant have resulted in its standing with the NRC being downgraded, requiring more inspections for the rest of the year.

The downgrade stems from two events: an August coupling failure in one of the plant's service water pumps, which the NRC said was of "low-to-moderate safety significance;" and a September electrical fault caused by plant workers, and incident that resulted in the plant shutting down for a week and that the NRC said was of "substantial significance to safety."

The downgrade put Palisades among the agency's four lowest-rated nuclear power plants in the country.

The hall at the Beach Haven Event Center in South Haven where Wednesday night's meeting was held was filled with more than 80 people, including concerned residents like Pierman, anti-nuclear activists and plant workers.

NRC officials provided dozens of handouts on nuclear safety. Resident inspectors stationed at Palisades were on hand, as well as others involved in special inspections of the plant.

The NRC started with a presentation about the individual events that led up to the plant's downgrade, explaining each in detail.

In none of those incidents was the public in danger, and the plant meets all federal guidelines, according to the NRC.

"So we have confidence that the plant can operate safely," a NRC official said.

Still, officials said there have been significant issues at the plant that have required extra attention from regulators.

The events have resulted in an additional 1,000 inspection hours at the plant in 2011, in addition to the routine 2,500 hours, they said.

After the presentation, many people in the audience had questions and comments for the NRC about the plant. They ranged from general concerns about its safety to the impacts it has on the health of residents and the environment.

Some opponents of nuclear energy said they worry a nuclear disaster could happen at Palisades.

Michael Martin, a 69-year-old Gobles resident, said it comes down to nuclear plant technology being too dangerous. He contends that Palisades should be shut down.

"I don't think this is going to change anything," Matin said of Wednesday's meeting. "We've been having the meetings since day one — it's getting old."

Mark Savage, spokesman for Entergy, said there is little fact in many of the accusations made by members of the audience who say the plant is dangerous.

"It's mostly opinion," Savage said. "The plant continues to operate safely."


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