Thursday, February 2, 2012

Knowledge Relay Reporting Meeting Results

February 2, 2012 3:07 p.m. PST

By Lee S. Gliddon III

Companies Represented: (Names Removed)
Florida Power & Light
Southern California Edison
First Energy
Knowledge Relay

Key staff of 10 nuclear power industry entities attended the meeting in order to work with each other on best practices for reports to support AP-928 Work Management recommendations. The purpose of the meeting was a discussion on what standards the team can agree to for reports and which group of reports to focus on first. The goal was to develop a deeper understanding of the requirements to fully automate the data pull and integration, report creation, and report distribution.
Processes have been adopted because nuclear power generation is so highly regulated it is paramount that all work activity can be demonstrated to the regulating bodies as having been conducted in a safe, controlled and measured manner. This means that the Work Management benefits are vital to the plants in understanding what their major losses and delays within their day to day operations may be as a result of their staff struggling with inefficient and outdated process procedures and inadequate reporting data.
Per the team all the reporting results, once validated by the plant, needs to be uploaded to the Consolidated Data Entry (CDE) website where staff can access the data from each nuclear power plant. Five initial reports were identified for immediate solutions with an additional ten reports to follow. These reporting solutions should be standardized so operators can employ them from plant to plant, operator to operator regardless of ERP, Project Management System, and practices.
A technology solution was identified that can meet the agreed upon requirements in regards to data and reports.
Other Key Agreements:
  • The naming convention listed in AP 928 and CDE that all the plants would be able to agree on the titles for the reports.
  • The team agreed that they use all phases but the break points (T-week) separating the different phases can vary.
  • Flexibility to define the week numbers for when things like scope and schedule freeze occur is needed.
  • The code names and possible values used to filter and group data must be flexible.
  • Resources are a huge issue for plants and finding better ways to manage them is vital.
  • Must have the ability to pull data from multiple data sources P3, P6, NAMS, Excel, Access, SAP, homegrown systems etc.
The next meeting will be in June. By that time the solutions for the first five reports will be completed and shared throughout the group and industry.
Any parties interested in the specific reports, elements, and solutions may contact:

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